The Homestay..
I have two days of peace before I start working. I've been considering, and maybe I'll put looking for another job on hold for a while. Its so troublesome to get a job in retail, because I have to submit my resume and all that stuff, and they are so freaking strict about shifts and all. The time shifts at CSC are quite flexible, so I can change last minute and not show up for work and they won't care less. And I already got the call that I was accepted, so I guess I'll just stick it out. I can't wait for my next paycheck! I get to buy more hair crack off the internet.
Its been three days since I took the hair crack, and my nails are shining. Apparently the crack works for nails. They used to be cracked and chipped and dull and the skin on the finger just before the nail always tore off for nothing, and now its like they healed themselves. They are glossy and they look healthy and the skin is intact and they grow fast. I cut the nail on my pinky until I couldn't see the white part yesterday, and today I woke up and could see a little of the white part already.
I gotta go take my hair crack. Bye.
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