The Interview..
Omg my mother is allowing me to go for a job interview. I have a feeling she let me go this time because the work place is like across the street from my house. Its a Canadian Pizza booth and they're hiring. I'm going to just barge in and have an interview tomorrow. It will be so cool if I get the job, because I can just like pretend to be on toilet breaks and go home to watch tv. Yay!
I actually didn't want to work at first, but imagine having to stay at home for the next three months doing nothing. I might as well get some dough and splurge mindlessly on weave and hair products. Oh I can finally get that tour edition of the Pussycat Dolls album with the appealing black box! Hooray! Why am I so happy I haven't even applied yet.
I gotta go sleep. Bye.
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