The Sleepover Club..
Omg I haven't been blogging for almost a month now!! My blog has been like totally empty. Today I can finally use the computer because my parents are out and the computer wasn't turned off. Maha!
I love bedsheets. I know its weird, but I like bedsheets. I think I have a fetish for bedsheets. On Thursday, I went to Parkway with Shamsydar, Nuriman, Adam and Hakim for fun. Then when I walked past Aussino, I fell in love with the display bed and ran inside the store with Shamsydar. We were acting like Desperate Housewives, picking out bedsheets for our room. Sham, Hakim and I were in the store for about an hour. In the end, I bought a striped fitted sheet set and Sham bought funky hearts. Hakim didn't but anything because he was flat broke. See, I told you to save money. I paid for the bedsheet with my own saved money by the way. I had to diet for two weeks. Omg I think I'm becoming anorexic like Mary-Kate Olsen.
I think I-sya has a problem with me. She is always in a pms-y mood whenever I'm around. I'm starting to hate her. I never talk to her anymore. Whenever I talk, she asks me to shut up. I-sya, if you want to pms, do it somewhere else where I can't see or hear you. Sheesh. Some people.
I think I'll be going on Hiatus for a while now. The freaking exams are coming and I haven't studied yet. Screw the teachers. Before I go, I was blog-hopping when I came across this blog whose owner is also a bedsheet fan. Click bedsheets. Okay Bye.
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