The Recovery...
Yay I'm almost recovered from my sick spell. My sore throat and fever's gone, but my flu is still here. Its not like those serious flu cases where you never stop sneezing. I feel perfectly healthy, except that my nose just never stops producing snot. Oh well, that just means I'll have to bring like a whole bag of tissues to school tomorrow. Nice.
My mother totally crushed my dreams yesterday. She was driving when all of a sudden, she asked me what I wanted to do after the 'O's. I said I wanted to go to a Polytechnic and take up a course for Apparel Design, and she looked at me as if I had just scolded my grandmother a bad word. She said that I shouldn't pursue designing, and that I should try to be a lawyer instead. I just shut my mouth and sat in the car, with all my dreams of becoming a famous designer crushed and steam-rollered into a flat piece of poo. I got so depressed that when I got home, I took a black marker and started writing all over my old jeans. And when I was done, it was kind of nice. I'd show it to my mother, but she'll slap me for drawing on jeans. Boo hoo I'm sad.
This has been the longest holiday ever. I hate long holidays. I have to stay at home and clean the house like a mad Indonesian maid. If I continue like this long enough, I might talk like this. Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am, I never clean the floor properly ma'am please don't beat me ma'am. Oh my god.
I gotta go mourn now. Bye.